Community Consultation
In our experience, good community engagement results in better project outcomes.

What We Do
Facilitate Engagement Workshops
Our team are well placed to plan and facilitate interactive workshops designed to educate the community and gather their feedback and represent you at a Planning Application Conference hosted by Council.
Planning Application Conference
Our team will advocate for you, and your interests, at any scheduled Planning Application Conference (PAC).
The purpose of the PAC is to listen to feedback from the community, following the public notice phase of your application. And, to explore opportunity for negotiation - as appropriate - before a decision is made. Often, amended plans are prepared in preparation for the conference, to inform discussions.
The Town Planning & Co. team will help you in gathering all important documents and act as your advocate throughout the formalities.
Planning can be a difficult space to understand, however Melinda & the Team make it seem so easy, they will assist you with navigating through to achieve the best possible outcomes. I have worked with many town planners & In my opinion Town Planning & Co is one of the best in Melbourne, in your first meeting with them you will understand why. I highly recommend their services.
Frequently asked questions
How long is the public notice period for a planning application?
At least 14 consecutive days. Public Notice often involves a Public Notice sign on Site communicating what is proposed and how to find out more information. Letters are also sent to nearby landowners and occupants, as directed by Council or the Ministers office.
What is a Planning Application Conference?
A Planning Application Conference is a meeting between all parties, including the permit applicant team, the Responsible Authority (often Local Council) and interested members of the community who have expressed interest in the application.
The purpose of the meeting is to explore opportunities to improve outcomes for all participants.
Do all applications require detailed community consultation and a formal Planning Application Conference?
The level of community consultation will be influenced by the complexities of the application, the notice requirements and level of community interest. Most applications progress through a formal ‘public notice’ process however not all applications require a formal Planning Application Conference.